Senin, 01 Januari 2018

Facts & Thoughts From Vietnam

Facts & Thoughts From Vietnam

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My unit, 7th. Motor Transport Battalion was made up of Alpha Co., Bravo Co., Charlie Co. and Transport Co. Alpha, Bravo and Charlie Companies all had 5-ton Trucks while Transport Co.had the big Tractor Trailer rigs. All together we logged almost 4.5 million miles and hauled 945,000 tons of Cargo while in Vietnam,

We also supported more than 70,000 troops while in Quang Tri Province. Alpha Co had 31 trucks, plus we picked up an additional 15 trucks and drivers from Charlie Co. on the move from Red Beach to Dong Ha, for a total of 46 vehicles. The additional trucks were needed in order to keep up with the heavy supply demands of the troops along the Hwy. 9 corridor. We were their only means of ground support.

Vietnam was not a popular war, most of the Brave Men who served in our Unit were 18 & 19 years old, I was 21 and felt like the old man. We didn't know or even care about politics at that age, we just knew we were there to keep North Vietnam from forcing Communism on South Vietnam. We were there to fight Communism, but some where along the way in the eyes of the American people & Media we became the bad guys.

Americans falsely claiming to have served in-country is 13,853,027, four out of five who claim to be Vietnam veterans are not. Shame on You!

When we returned to the States there were no lines at the airport to greet us. The only people that were glad to see you were your close friends and relatives. You could not talk to them about it because they would not understand, the only people that would understand are your buddies from Vietnam. We all agreed to stay in touch, but life gets in the way and before you know it, many years have gone by, but still in the back of your mind you always wonder how they are doing and where they are.

In my case it took 40 years before we had our first reunion, it was the best thing we ever did. What is so odd is the fact that we just picked up right where we left off in 1968 even though we hadn't seen each other in 40 years it was like we had never been apart. I say to all of you that have not experienced that, to get in touch with one another and make plans for your own reunion, it will be the best therapy you will ever have.

I am so proud to see the way our Troops are welcomed home today, you just can't imagine what that means to them. I always try to thank them for their service because these men have sacrificed a lot for our Freedom. When you see one of our Troops go up to him and shake his hand and thank him for his service you will both feel better. Freedom is not Free!

Possibly The Most Decorated Platoon in History "Charlie Co. 1/1"

Chu Lai--Hill 488--16 June, 1966, Gy/Sgt. Jimmie Earl Howard & his 18 Man platoon were occupying an observation post deep within enemy controlled territory. Shortly after midnight an estimated Battalion size Viet Cong force attacked the Marines, these 18 men held their positions against overwhelming odds. When the battle was over, there were 6-K.I.A's (Killed in Action) & 11 W.I.A's (Wounded in Action). They were awarded--1-C.M.H (Congressional Medal of Honor), 4 Navy Crosses, 13 Silver Stars & 18 purple Hearts. Though severely wounded Gunny Howard survived and was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor

Semper Fi.

Five Important Visual Checks When Purchasing Second Hand Car

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