Minggu, 31 Desember 2017

Dare to Dream Again

Dare to Dream Again

Image source: http://i.ytimg.com/vi/C-RbDcNNNg4/maxresdefault.jpg

When is the last time you just sat down and wrote out a list of things you wanted to do? Dare to dream a little again. Where do you want to travel? Where would you stay? Make your dreams something grand. People talk about being passionate about their jobs or career, but not about activities not related to work.

Passion on Career or Activities?

It is fine that you are passionate about your career, but life is more than just your career. I think you would agree having grand experiences or adventures is something to be more passionate about than a career. Maybe you want to go to some foreign country and help people build a home or a water well to supply the village.

Your career can be a way to fund these experiences. Everyones career is that of a doctor who saves lives. Most people have regular careers and want to do something unique away from work.

I like the book by Tim Ferriss The Four Hour Workweek. Tim Ferriss explains how to have mini-retirements throughout your life. Do not wait until retirement to finally do the things you want to do is the message. Most of the items on my dream list are very doable with modest money. Another message in the Four Hour Workweek is not own grand things like a sports car or a McMansion, but to experience life.

Own a Second Home?

Use the money you would have spent on things and experience life and live like a millionaire. Here are a couple ideas. You can rent a million dollar home in St. Thomas for about $5,000 to $7,000 a month. For the same amount you can rent a beautiful log cabin home in Montana for a month. So for about less than 1% of the value of the house you can spend a month in luxury. You do not have to OWN a second home, but RENT a second every single year.

Why save all your money to buy the second home when your retire in some location when you can rent the same home today?

After all when you retire are you really going to live all year in your second home? No. Most people only spend a couple weeks out the year in the second home. The rest of the year the home sits empty or maybe you risk renting the home.

Seems to me that renting a second home now instead of waiting to own a second home makes better sense.

Time to Make a List

Now it is your turn to sit down and write out a list of your goals and dreams. Remember this a list of things you want to DO, not things you want to OWN or BUY. For most people a list of things to do will have more passion than buying something. How about taking the whole family on a cruise to the Caribbean? How about taking your spouse on a trip to Hawaii or France?

Make a dream list of experiences. For me personally for the first 20 to 30 items were easy, but then became difficult. You can always add items to the dreams or goals list after you make your initial list. Writing a goals list or dreams list will get your creative juices flowing and more ideas will come into your mind all the time.

Action Step: For 20 to 30 minutes make a dreams list of things you want to do. Do not cross any item off or think something is impossible just make out the list. Then pick one item to focus on for next week to see how you can accomplish that one goal.

Creating Your Own Support System

Creating Your Own Support System

Image source: https://help.hotspotsystem.com/hotsyswpress/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/fbreview_step1-1024x686.png

I recently was asked by another mother at home, "What do you find most difficult about being an at-home mother?"

I replied, "No sick leave, days off, or vacation time. Hey, let's form a union!"

We both laughed at the idea of a mothers' union, but we realized we already had the next best thing: our mothers at home support group.

A little over a year has passed since I mentioned at a La Leche League meeting that I wanted to start a support group for mothers at home, and ten women-tots in tow arrived at my door, hungry for adult conversation. Within a year, word of mouth and the media had spread the news, and our group unexpectedly blossomed into a nonprofit organization for mothers who have chosen to stay at home.

We now have four mothers' groups and dozens of other supportive services. We've learned so much from our experiences that others interested in networking with fellow moms at home might benefit from the ideas and experiences that helped us get started.

Need for Support

Isolation and loneliness are such universal feelings among at-home moms that Arlene Cardozo says in her book, Sequencing (New York: Atheneum, 1986) that the difficulties of adjusting to being at home are the following: loss of identity, loss of a system of rewards and expectations, and loss of a community of co-workers. All except the last usually are resolved during the first year of transition from career to home. Some women, she says, deal with these losses within themselves or have supportive extended family. Others seek out other women in similar circumstances for friendship, stimulating conversation, and networking.

Many women look to their husbands for their primary sources of support. However, no one person could ever meet all the needs another person has for support and understanding, nor would it be fair to expect this. Many mothers who choose to stay at home are coming from careers where they have learned the value of on-the-job training and expertise, work-related training, prioritizing and delegating projects, negotiating workloads, and stress and time management. These women usually had established support systems by networking with other professionals who understand the difficulties and joys of their professions. As women move their careers to the home front, they are learning to transfer skills to their new profession: Mothering.

Finding Other Moms at Home

Today's families are so mobile that they often are distant from their relatives. Their frequent moves also make it more difficult to establish close or lasting friendships.

This lack of close friends can cause the mother at home to feel even more lonely and isolated. Maybe that's why today's at-home mom is making more efforts to create a circle of friends for herself. When she moves, she often places high on her list of priorities finding a neighborhood where there will be other mothers home during the days. Actually accomplishing this, though, may be quite a feat. Some women visit the prospective neighborhoods and parks during the day; they ask about other mothers at home at community centers, public schools, libraries, and nursery schools.

Some churches and organizations like the YWCA, Welcome Wagon, and La Leche League help parents network with one another. Many are supportive of mothers who have chosen to stay at home, and some even have groups especially for full-time mothers. These groups may provide meeting places where mothers can talk and children can play. Some may even provide services such as workshops and family programs. Many times, mothers will meet each other while participating in these activities and will decide to get together outside class.

Crawling Out of the Cracks Choosing to be Powerful

Crawling Out of the Cracks  Choosing to be Powerful

Image source: https://backcountrygeezer.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/img_0266.jpg

Inspiration for the Day

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people wont feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. Its not just in some of us; its in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

-Marianne Williamson


Many people are living beneath the level that the creator has purposed for them to live. Not having the mate of their dreams, not living where they want to, not having the careers they desire, never reaching in every dimension of life that which they are capable of. Why? The answer is simple they dont expect to. They do not believe that they can or if they somehow do it will only be temporary.

These people have a rodent mentality, instead of enjoying the mansion that God has prepared for them, they spend most of their existence in the cracks of the walls, believing that somehow they have been called to live in such misery. Their poor self-esteem never allows them to, for any extended period of time experience the light of Gods glorious abundant, beautiful, limitless life.

Things That Determine Self Esteem:
Parental Relationships

The main contributing factor in determining the sense of self esteem that an individual possesses is their relationship with their parents (especially their father) and their affirmation of them as individuals with the right to be. It has been shown that individuals who have a good relationship with their parents tend not only to be more confident but also less likely to be promiscuous or addictive and more likely to be successful in their chosen path.

Peer Pressure

Another contributing factor in influencing ones self esteem is the opinion of our peers whether expressed verbally or non-verbally. Peer pressure is a strong factor in not only determining peoples behavior (their dress or mode of conduct), but also in determining their sense of self. Someone who is continuously ridiculed and rejected by their peers may find it very difficult to maintain a proper self esteem.

The Media

The media is now also a very powerful tool in the transformation of the behavior of civil society. Marketers know that the proper use of the media can transform peoples thought patterns: how they see the world, how they use their leisure time and finances, the goals and aspirations they set for themselves, their mode of dress, their religious and political beliefs but most importantly how they see themselves. The models that are used in both the print and electronic media and how we match up to them can influence our belief about whether we are OK or not.

The Effects Of Poor Self Esteem
Poor Self Esteem Can Affect Us In Many Ways

First it hinders us from receiving all the wonderful things that are in store for us. Our belief system determines what we will receive from God. For us to receive of the limitless, abundant riches of the creator, we must not only believe that he can but more importantly that he will give them to us. If we do not believe that God really is capable of loving us, then we will not truly expect him to give good gifts to us and so we will not receive them.

Poor self esteem will make it impossible for the individual to believe that they will be rewarded. It is hard to believe a God they cannot see will feel better about them than the persons around them who they see and hear. It is therefore almost impossible to have the confident assurance that something they want is going to happen. and so they block Gods best from entering into their lives in its fullness.

Secondly when good things come, it is almost impossible to enjoy them because they do not believe that they deserve them and their faith in the negative will ultimately bring about the results they truly expect. Faith and fear both work on the same principle what you truly expect you will have. Therefore if you do not expect the blessings to last because of some inadequacy or guilt you may possess, then it evaporates just as you expect. Ever heard someone say, I knew it was too good to last, things like that just dont happen to me for long. What they dont understand is that the reason those same things happen for other people and they last, is because those people have a confident assurance that it will.

To Your Success and Prosperity,

Practice Change

Visualize yourself as being far greater than you have ever imagined. Let your light shine from within. Imagine yourself as being gorgeous, brilliant, talented, powerful and fabulous. You will become what you ultimately and consciously believe to be true.

Read more at http://en.teamtissa.com/zztN

Sabtu, 30 Desember 2017

Considerations When Looking For Fresno CA Homes For Rent

Considerations When Looking For Fresno CA Homes For Rent

Image source: https://photos.zillowstatic.com/p_h/ISh3e0i5bkup8d1000000000.jpg

Right now, local families are choosing to rent homes instead of owning them therefore the house rental market in Fresno, CA is thriving. If you are looking for a different place to call home and you are not certain what you need to do before starting the renting process, this guide will show you somethings you need to contemplate before finding homes for rent in Fresno CA. Get started now so that you can begin looking at terrific houses that your entire family can benefit from.

You and your family will need different features so that you will enjoy your home over many months and even years. It is key that you talk it over with your family about what sort of space you need to rent each month. Contemplate the number of bedrooms that you are in need of as well as kitchen and other living space. You need to be certain that you do not have too much space or too little space, find a happy space in between.

A budget needs to be set in place after you have decided on the amount of space wanted. The amount of space that you are looking for will have an effect on the amount of money that you are going to pay each month for rent. Nearly all landlords will not rent if you cannot make at least 2 times the rent with one month of your pay. Look within these means so that you can rent what you can afford.

Being new to the area can be tricky if you do not do the research in advance. Looking for homes for rent in Fresno CA will require that you look around different neighborhoods. You will also want to take a look at amusement and basic shopping choices that you and your family are going to need on a regular basis.

Sunnyside Neighborhood

The neighborhood of Sunnyside is located on Fresno's far southeast side, bordered by Chestnut Avenue to the West. Its main through streets are Kings Canyon Avenue and Clovis Avenue. Largely built in the 1950s to the 1970s, it has recently experienced a surge in new home construction. It is also the home of the Sunnyside Country Club, which maintains a golf course designed by William Bell.

Census Stats For The Sunnyside Neighborhood

Owners 48%, Renters 46%, Vacancies 6%, Median Housing Age 29.0, Median Housing Value $202,455, House Appreciation (last 12 months) -1.8

Old Fig Garden

The now historic community set amongst mature trees of Old Fig Garden has long been one of Fresno's most sought-after neighborhoods. The city's annual "Christmas Tree Lane" is located on a section of Van Ness Boulevard during the holiday season. Christmas Tree Lane is located on Van Ness Boulevard in between Shields and Shaw avenues and runs through Old Fig Garden. Over 100,000 people make the effort to either walk or drive down Christmas Tree Lane each year.

Census Stats For The Old Fig Garden

Owners 55%, Renters 40%, Vacancies 5%, Median Housing Age 44.0, Median Housing Value $198,000, House Appreciation (last 12 months) -1.8

Tower District

The popular neighborhood known as the Tower District is located around the historic Tower Theater, which is included on the National List of Historic Places. The Tower Theater was built in 1939 and is located at Olive and Wishon Avenues in the core of the Tower District. The Tower District neighborhood is located just north of downtown Fresno, and one-half mile south of Fresno City College. Although the neighborhood was recognized as a residential area prior, the early commercial establishments of the Tower District began with little shops and services that flocked to the area soon after World War II.

The Tower District has become a nucleus for public events such as Mardi Gras in February, A Taste Of The Tower, Jamaica My Weekend, Halloween in the Tower, Car Shows, and the Farmer's Market on the North-West Corner of Olive and Van Ness.

The neighborhood is additionally well-known for its early twentieth century homes, many of which have been restored in recent decades. The area includes many California Bungalow and American Craftsman style homes, Spanish Colonial Revival Style architecture, Mediterranean Revival Style architecture, Mission Revival Style architecture, and many Storybook houses designed by Fresno architects, Hilliard, Taylor & Wheeler. The housing architecture of the Tower District contrasts with the newer areas of tract homes in north and east areas of Fresno.

Census Stats For The Tower District Neighborhood

Owners 44%, Renters 48%, Vacancies 8%, Median Housing Age 56.0, Median Housing Value $149,000, House Appreciation (last 12 months) -1.8

Huntington Boulevard

Homes from the early 20th century profile this avenue in the center of the historic Alta Vista Tract. The original development of this neighborhood began circa 1910, on 190 acres of what had been an alfalfa field. The Alta Vista Tract, as the territory would be called, was mapped by William Stranahan for the Pacific Improvement Corporation, and was officially platted in 1911. The tract's boundaries were Balch Avenue on the south, Cedar Avenue on the east, the property line of Platt Avenue (east of Sixth Street) and Platt Avenue (west of Sixth Street) on the north, and First Street on the west. In 1914 developers Billings & Meyering acquired the tract, completed street development, provided the last of the essential municipal improvements including water service, and started marketing the property with fervor. A mere half a decade later the tract had more than 260 houses.

During Christmas, the homes along the boulevard are decorated with lights and decorations. The nation's tallest living Christmas Tree, located at Huntington and 6th Street, is the highlight of the event.

Census Stats For The Huntington Boulevard Neighborhood

Owners 40%, Renters 52%, Vacancies 7%, Median Housing Age 48.0, Median Housing Value $119,900, House Appreciation (last 12 months) -1.8

Van Ness Extension

North of Shaw Avenue, Van Ness continues as the Van Ness Extension, located between Marks Avenue and West Avenue. The Van Ness Extension could be considered one of the most desirable neighborhoods in the city, and boasts some of Fresno's most elaborate houses.

Census Stats For The Van Ness Extension Neighborhood

Owners 62%, Renters 34%, Vacancies 3%, Median Housing Age 22.0, Median Housing Value $359,910, House Appreciation (last 12 months) -1.8

The West Side

The "West Side" of Fresno, also often called "Southwest Fresno", is one of the oldest neighborhoods in the city. The neighborhood lies southwest of the 99 freeway (which divides it from Downtown Fresno), west of the 41 freeway and south of Nielsen Ave (or the newly-constructed 180 Freeway), and goes to the city limits to the west and south.

Census Stats For The West Side Neighborhood

Owners 42%, Renters 50%, Vacancies 7%, Median Housing Age 39.0, Median Housing Value $134,900, House Appreciation (last 12 months) -1.8

Woodward Park

Located in the north eastern part of Fresno, the Woodward Park neighborhood are the houses near Woodward Park.

Census Stats For The Woodward Park Neighborhood

Owners 68%, Renters 29%, Vacancies 4%, Median Housing Age 12.0, Median Housing Value $314,100, House Appreciation (last 12 months) -1.8

Sierra Sky Park

Formed in 1946, Sierra Sky Park Airport is a residential airport community born of a rare settlement in transportation law to permit personal airplanes and cars to share certain roads. Sierra Sky Park was the first aviation community to be built and there are now numerous such communities around the United States. Developer William Smilie built the nation's first planned aviation community.

Census Stats For The Sierra Sky Park Neighborhood

Owners 62%, Renters 34%, Vacancies 3%, Median Housing Age 22.0, Median Housing Value $359,910, House Appreciation (last 12 months) -1.8

Raising a family in the Fresno area can be exceptionally rewarding so make sure that you choose Fresno homes for rent located near the appropriate schools. Look around at the various school district borders that surround the houses you may want to move into. This will help to get your family settled into a brand new learning environment.

If you do not have any time to sit down and look for a new home for rent, there are plenty of services that will work for you. For a small charge, you can easily be connected to hundreds of homes for rent within the Fresno area. This also helps to take the stress out of looking for a new rental home.

If you can follow all of these steps you ought to be able to get a look at the best Fresno homes for rent on the market today. Search within your budget as well as within what your wants are for you and your family. Get going right now so that you can move into one of the best rental homes on the block!

Communication in Marriage How to Communicate With Your Spouse

Communication in Marriage How to Communicate With Your Spouse

Image source: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgGdDxTkdKHGNFm5Q5BbhL0s4ZA-2pL3A_9ScqwyHBz9XyD_qPNUsrLW9cKpVGv3nE2RM6SNqvOmWhP_DPO4tDxkY6-J-XNZgtdvceztIMllzUnGYBE3goQ0ZO3FuMa7-WdxoHx9vId-pU/s1600/dont+ruin+your+tomorrows.jpg

Communication in Marriage: How to Communicate With Your Spouse

Communication is a process of sending a message through a medium to the receiver. It basically means to pass on or share or exchange views, information, ideas, knowledge, feelings and emotions.
Lack of communication is the cause of most marital problems. There could be a minor or a major information distortion. Lack of communication is the mother of frustrations in a marriage.

Types of Communication
There are two major types of communication:
a. Verbal: This could be in form of discussion, argument, whisper, murmur, rebuke, protest, command, encourage, praise, appeal, gossip, instruct, correct, appreciate, etc.

b. Nonverbal: This could be signs or signals. This could be in form of nose twitching, hissing, door slamming, bunching of legs, clapping, touching, winking of eyes, etc.

Kinds of Communication
1. Zero Communication: This is when there is no communication at all between the couples. When couples are no more in talking term. This show a sign of a family that is about to fall. Lack of communication in the home is a threat to the peaceful existence of the family.

2. Plastic Communication: This is when communication has no root, not sincere, not direct. This shows a sign of a poisoned relationship. Guard your marriage against such communication which does not have its root in total sincerity and faithfulness.

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3. Negative Communication: This involves dangerous communication. It involves negative communication like cursing, murmuring, abusing or insulting, protesting, etc.

4. Bulk Communication: This is handling a lot of issues at the same time, thereby confusing the receiver. Thereby affecting the rate of understanding between couples.

5. Half Communication: This is making incomplete statements which could be refer to as half truths.

6. Object Communication: Directing one's comment to object instead of addressing the subject. For instance, the husband may look at a badly prepared soup and say "You this peppery soup how I wish I had somebody with good sense that can prepare you better, I would have enjoyed you". By saying this he is passing a message across to the wife that the soup is bad. Though in a wrong way.

7. Subject Communication: This is the situation when a person addresses the subject instead of the object of discussion. The husband of a woman that cooked a bad food may say, "Woman, you have been careless in everything, everything you do in this house is bad" instead of telling the wife how badly the food was prepared, may be peppery, or salty, he is busy castigating the woman. It could not be true, that the woman has never done anything right in that house.

8. Sandwich Communication: This is the level of communication that combines both negative and positive to produce a positive result. It is like commendation, correction and condemnation. For example, "Darling, thank you for this wonderful food. You can just try to reduce the pepper tomorrow; all the same it is a wonderful meal. I always say you are the best cook". This kind of woman will take to the correction of her husband without any grudges because of the commendation.

9. Extra Mile Communication: This is when a partner goes beyond commendation to sing the praise of his partner calling him beautiful names and telling him how handsome he is. These kinds of communication are missing in our home today that is why we encounter diverse problems in marriages today. Check your own marriage, check the level of communication in your home and change for good. Allow God to use your mouth for the betterment of your home.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will make your spouse love you for the rest of their lives even if they are this close to walking out the door. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will save your marriage and get you back to that place you once were - in love, committed and excited about the future - within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here

Do you feel that your marriage is falling apart? Do you feel that you want something more out of your marriage? Have you tried seeking some help but failed? Everyone desires a great marriage, one that would last for a lifetime. For most of the people, it's an important chapter in one's life.

There are various marriage help books that you can read on. These books can give you clear and concise facts and information. These guarantee you to attain that long and lasting relationship. In the world you are in today, divorce is rampant. Some people think that if they don't like their partner anymore, they get an instant divorce. Don't jump into that bandwagon. It won't do you any good. If you think your relationship with your loved one is on the rocks then do something about it. Read some marriage help books.

Must Read # 1 The Five Love Languages

This is written by Gary Chapman. It's a Christian manuscript that could help you understand your husband more. In a way, it helps you reevaluate your actions towards him as well. It is more of like a workbook. There are several questions that you need to answer first. It may be lengthy for you to look but you do have to answer it honestly. The end part will tell you which love language you prefer more.

The author practically shows you what way you communicate with your loved one. You could have the love language in a form of speech, touch, gifts, actions and time. As you understand your spouse's love language, it will be very easy for you to speak his language too.

What if your spouse don't love you anymore? Here's how to get them addicted to you like when you fell in love for the first time

Must Read # 2 Every Man's Marriage

It's not only the women that reads marriage help books. Men read it too. This is a good read. Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker together with Mike Yorkey came up with this one. It's a practical guide for men on discovering the desires of their wives. It also entails as to how to fulfill those desires. It's hard to understand women and their needs. By reading this, you get to have a clear picture as to what women want.

Must Read # 3 Making Marriage Work

It may sound humorous but most people find this helpful. You can get it at an affordable price. You get to discover ways on how to make your marriage more romantic. It gives you information as to what things you should never say to your spouse. What is more is that you get to make your sex life more exciting. There's humor injected from cover to cover. It's a counseling book that helps you communicate with your partner better.

These are just some good reads that can help your marriage. However, you do have to remember that it is your actions that greatly contribute to making your relationship stronger. There's more to saying "I do" in the wedding. It's a lifelong partnership with your loved one. Don't settle for a divorce but mend it. Always let love be the first priority in your marriage.

Next, click here now to find out why your spouse is lying to you about the reasons they want a divorce. Follow the information step by step and you will discover the truth, cut through the lies and pain, stop divorce dead in its tracks, and rebuild the strong, intimate marriage you've always wanted... even if your spouse doesn't want to!

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Is your marriage on the verge of destruction? Are you getting tired of all the dramas in your relationship? Do you feel the need to fix your marriage? No matter how bad your marriage is, you still have to cling on to it. This article will give you simple but surefire ways on how to repair a marriage.

Conflicts between husband and wife are common. However, if both parties are not willing to work on their differences, problems will surely arise. To repair a marriage both parties must agree to work on solving their problems.

Marriage is a sacred bond and therefore must be protected to avoid its failure. There is no such thing as problem with no solution. Even the most problematic relationships can be saved. It all depends on the couple on how they will handle their problems.

There are several ways to repair a marriage. Below are some useful tips to take back your happy married life.

Motivate Yourself

First of all, think about how much you love your spouse. Reminisce about the old days on how happy you were. Think about the day when you exchanged vows. Use old happy memories as motivation. Thinking about those happy moments will help you realize that you need to fix things between you and your partner. This is the first step to repair a marriage.

Focus on Your Own Mistakes

Usually, the problem with couples is that they tend to blame each other for mistakes. Instead of blaming your partner for mistakes focus on your own mistakes and admit them all. Make an effort to change your ways, this way you are making a constructive approach to your conflicts.

Communicate Often

Communication is the key to every relationship to stay strong. Spend more time communicating with your spouse. Talk about your conflicts but this time listen attentively to your partner. Make an effort to accept your partner's point of view. This way you will understand better your partner's feelings.

What if your spouse already left you? Here's how to get them back.

Learn to Apologize

As you talk about your problems you will find out what your faults are. When you finally realize your mistakes, you need to learn to apologize. Sincerely apologizing will help avoid further arguments. Your partner may realize his/her own mistakes and may do the same.

Be Open about your Feelings

There is nothing wrong with communicating your feelings to your partner. Be honest and let your partner know why you are acting that way. Learn to open your fears, insecurities and including your anger. This will help your spouse to understand you better and will also help promote closeness.

Learn to Seek Common Ground

Seeking common ground is a good way of solving relationship conflicts. Instead of focusing on things you cannot agree upon, learn to find things that you can both agree. Focus on a goal and work together to achieve it. This is one good way to repair a marriage.

Marriage is not just about legal contract. It is a sacred contract with God that both partners must learn to take good care of. There are always ways to repair a marriage. Partners must never give up on their marriage.

Do you want to reawaken a committed and loving relationship in your marriage? There are proven steps that are amazingly powerful that will help you overcome conflicts and breathe life back into your marriage. This is a plan you do not want to pass by. Click here to see the proven steps on how to save your marriage.

What do you think about partners living together before marriage? Are you up for it or against it? Do you think it's OK to live in together? Cohabitation by definition is coined as the act of living together by a couple under one roof. They aren't married. They are just two individuals dwelling together with a private relationship. It is voluntarily done.

In the past decades, it has been considered improper to cohabitate with someone if they're not married. Up until now, there are a lot of people against it. However, some individuals have considered now is a world of modernization. Traditions and conventional rules have been broken and the freedom of choice is given. You can choose to cohabitate if you want to. But do expect that some people would raise their eyebrows and make an issue out of it. So why are people against the idea of living in together? Here are some issues that relates to cohabitation.

Issue # 1 Couples end up getting a divorce

It is a fact that couples have a higher risk of divorcing compared to the married couples who have not live together beforehand. People say that living together would be one of the greatest ways to get to know the true personality of a person. You get to know their daily habits, rituals as well as their worst moments. Surely, you would be happy to know his personality but you end up being less happy. That is a fact.

Here's the concept of marriage. Marriage is a long term commitment. It doesn't require you to take it for a test drive and check if your partner is ok. That is why you begin as a boyfriend or girlfriend to each other. It's the period where you discover things about your partner. You say yes to marriage when you know you've accepted him totally even if he snores loudly at night.

What if your spouse already left you? Here's how to get them back.

Issue # 2 Defeats the purpose of marriage

Marriage is a serious commitment. It shouldn't be taken nonchalantly. Married couples have a deeper bond and commitment towards each other. Also, they are healthier holistically. Studies have shown that women who are married are less likely to have depression. The Catholic Church as well as the Islam oppose to it. The act of living together before marriage is unacceptable. It has defied the sacredness and holiness of the matrimony. Also, it has been noted that one gets crippled right away if their partner leaves them. After all, they don't have to get a divorce to break free.

Issue # 3 Children can get affected

If you live out of marriage, they don't feel secure. You will also be concerned because they may have some behavioral problems. When they know that both of you didn't have a wedding, they would question about fidelity when they have a sound mind. Considering that the couple may end up in divorce, it's a huge developmental setback for the kids. What is more is that, they may be susceptible to the abuse of the mother's boyfriend.

Saying or doing the wrong thing can actually cause your spouse to feel even more distant from you. You can make your spouse fall back in love with you, all over again.

You don't have to worry about whether your spouse is on the brink of asking you for a divorce. You can control the situation and use specific techniques to naturally make them fall hopelessly in love with you.

Choosing Industrial Furniture

Choosing Industrial Furniture

Image source: https://www.kmsdc.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/contract-commercial-commercial-grade-outdoor-furniture.jpg

While choosing industrial furniture keep in mind that the industrial era used materials that were bulky and heavy such as solid wood and steel. These pieces were made to last for years and took alot of wear and tear. You can still find some of these peices today. Their worn, weathered look gives them character and adds a bit of drama to any space. They may be covered in leather, heavy denim, linen, cotton ticking or wool. Besides wood and steel you may find pieces made of galvanized metal and iron with muted industrial paint and powder-coated finishes.
Many industrial furniture designs today have been greatly influenced by the industrial workplaces of yesterday. Items once produced for factories, hospitals, schools, and commercial units are now being reproduced for our living rooms, dining rooms, kitchens, and even our bedrooms. They also work great in office's and can add a lot of style to commercial settings. Many bars, restaurants, and even rental venues are using an industrial style to draw customers into a bygone era.

The oversize pieces work well in large open settings. You can easily imagine over-sized sofas and chairs in a hotel lobby, but they can just as easily be used in a very large living room. Choosing pieces that work well in your environment is really a matter of taste. Picking items that fit nicely into your home or business setting may take a bit of browsing, but finding items that make you feel good, and that look good in your space, is really what it's all about.

In today's market place you can find a plethora of reproduced chairs, desks, tables, storage units, lighting, and accessories inspired by the industrial era, but if you truly want an industrial look, try searching for original items that can be found in salvage yards, flea markets and junk shops, and re-purpose them, or use them as is to add a bit of character and drama to a space. Many of today's manufacturers are designing pieces that really bring back the industrial era and while some of these items are pricey, they are great for adding historical character in today's spaces.

If your a do-it-your-selfer you can find websites that help you create a special piece for your home. In this way you save some money and you get a sense of accomplishment for having created the item yourself. Keep in mind that you may want to start with something small such as a lamp or other accessory. I have seen bigger projects that look very interesting and a bit challenging so make sure you don't get in over your head and waste money on materials you won't use.

If you love the industrial style there is no shortage of places to find some wonderful pieces for your home or commercial business. The Internet is loaded with websites that offer some great finds that can be mixed and matched with most decorating styles of today. If you have an idea of what you want, or even if you don't, I urge you to browse for your perfect piece and let it fill a place in your home today.

Diane has enjoyed decorating since she was a child. While she leans more toward a french country style, she finds beauty and interest in all decorating styles of today. She recently developed a liking for the industrial style and the industrial items she has recently discovered. She believes it is important to embrace new ideas and new creations and tries to keep an open mind when it comes to styles and trends. Her website is http://www.dmsindustrialfurniture.com is a place to find industrial furniture and accessories for your home or business and was created to keep her busy doing something she loves since she has recently retired. You can join her in her new found love of the industrial/urban style by browsing and perhaps choosing a new piece for your home today.

Jumat, 29 Desember 2017

CBSE Online Education Exploring New Avenues

CBSE Online Education Exploring New Avenues

Image source: https://www.solutionweb.in/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/cbse-evaluation-process-class-12th-1024x526.jpg

Online education has become extremely popular among the new age students. CBSE board exams don't have to be a nightmare, if students start preparing at the right time with the right guidance. With changing times, and hectic lifestyles, more and more students are turning to online study support to facilitate their exam preparation. There doesn't seem to be enough time to go attend tuition classes outside home. Today's generation prefers instant study support in the comfort of their homes. After school study support is crucial to make a flow between what the student learns at school and what he does at home.

With the CBSE board exams round the corner, the preparations have started in full swing. Most students are searching the net for educational sites, exam preparations packages and CBSE online tutoring.

Students can avail CBSE online tuitions, which are interactive computer aided teaching content, exclusively developed to meet the new challenges in teaching and assessment. They use high-tech digital lessons and activities that teach the students through digital media components such as smart learning modules, mind maps, test modules, live virtual classes etc. Together, these help students to prepare better for their any forthcoming CBSE exams which is seen by many as a tough nut to crack.

CBSE online studying enhances the student's learning process and retaining power by encouraging student participation in the class. They can ask any query from the subject expert without hesitation which eventually adds to their overall confidence as well to their knowledge. The tutors use the same textbooks as that of the students, which makes the tutoring more relevant and useful. The tutors assist the students with their daily homework and assignments even while helping students to prepare for any upcoming examinations. The online tutors not only provide study help but also motivate and encourage each student's potential.

There are various sites, which offer quality CBSE curriculum specific online tutoring and homework help for Mathematics, Science, and Arts subjects. There are many sites, which offer CBSE sample papers to make the students familiar with the CBSE question paper pattern. Attempting these sample papers in turn makes the students more confident about facing the exams and also makes them aware of their weak and strong areas.

If a student is keen to win, to come out on the top and have the zeal to outshine others, then he has to put in more effort to get those crucial extra marks. With new age technology and quality online education available 24x7, smart students don't wish to confine themselves to the monotony of tuitions and textbooks. If he sees himself in IITs, IIMs, oxford, or Harvard, then he has to be a smart learner and get an edge over others by making the right choices.

CBSE online education has done wonders for countless students across the nation and abroad as it helps them keep updated with the latest on the academic front centering on CBSE. Moreover, it's unique and trendy compared to traditional teaching style, which attracts students more. So, what's the harm in having fun while studying? Absolutely nothing!

Berber Carpet Cleaning - Proper Care and Cleaning Tips for Berber Carpet

Berber Carpet Cleaning - Proper Care and Cleaning Tips for Berber Carpet

Image source: http://www.puresolutionscleaning.com/images/IMG_0506.JPG

Berber carpet is a very versatile flooring choice for the home, it is fashionable and practical. When people are choosing a floor covering you will find that carpeting is chosen more than half the time. It comes in many textures and colors and gives you unlimited possibilities for decorating a room. When decorating with carpet you get a feeling of warmth and comfort to beautify your home.

Berber carpet is a very popular carpet available to decorate your home today. Berber is not a type of carpet but it is a weave of carpet which consists of small dense small loops. These loops are packed tightly together and woven in parallel lines. They can stand up to a lot of foot traffic and you don't see footprints and wear patterns . The main reason to choose berber is because it is easy to care for and can look beautiful for many years.

The best way to keep your berber carpet looking good is to have a cleaning schedule that is regular. By vacuuming regularly and often the dirt does not have a chance to grind into the fabric. If your vacuum has a beater bar do not vacuum over any loose snags in the rug. If you have pets that have sharp nails or children that have sharp items it can cause pulls in your berber carpet. Also removing stains as they appear is the best way to maintain the beauty of your berber carpet.

You can stop the damage that dirt can cause to your carpet by removing your shoes at the door. You get dirt and grime, oil, mud and other sticky substances on your shoes which then get tracked onto the carpet. This leaves dark pathways in the high traffic areas. These pathways can be difficult to remove and by removing your shoes at the door this can be prevented.

Berber carpet is made with different types of fibers and each type requires a different method for cleaning. The most common berber that has many cleaning predicaments is made of olefin. The best way to clean this type of berber is steam cleaning. The biggest problem with olefin is that it discolors after cleaning. Also dragging furniture on olefin will develop marks which cannot be removed. Any oil stains will bond with olefin and cannot be removed. The only way that olefin berber carpets will look clean is by using a cleaning solution that has a PH that is higher. The downside is that the carpet gets dirty faster.

When you choose nylon berber carpet it gives you a look of elegance that doesn't come with the price tag of wool. Nylon will resist stains and alot of foot traffic over olefin. This is because nylon resists stains, mold and mildew better than other fabrics. One of the best features of nylon berber is that it is crush resistant. This is great for areas that get a high amount of foot traffic. The best method of cleaning a nylon berber carpet is with a low moisture carpet cleaning methods. This will get better results and the carpets are dry very fast.

If you decide to purchase wool berber carpet you will be excited about the performance. Wool has a natural occurring quality which makes it stain resistant and wear resistant. These qualities are not found in synthetic carpets. When you are cleaning a berber carpet that is made of wool you need to clean with a dry foam method of cleaning but you will be excited about the results.

With berber carpet you have many choices and by developing a proper cleaning routine you can enjoy the benefits for many years to come.

Benefits Of An Online Business

Benefits Of An Online Business

Image source: http://www.mystechdynamics.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/advantages-of-having-an-online-presence-for-your-business-landscape.jpg

If you have ever owned a Brick & Mortar business of any kind you know that there are A LOT of expenses and responsibilities involved with this. Lets go over them here for you.

First off you have to decide what kind of business that it is that you are going to run. Then you have to find a building to either rent, lease or buy. Either way owning the building or renting it, you will have to insure your building, huge expense. And of course all the monthly bills that go along with any building, electric, gas, taxes, and probably a land line for the telephone as well.

Ok now for the product! How much inventory are you going to need to run your business successfully. Now that you are all set up. What hours will you have your doors open? How many employees are you going to hire? And of course finding quality people that you can trust to run your business for you will be a challenge to say the least. Oh and dont forget about Uncle Sam, you will have to hire an accountant to do your payroll and dont forget to pay in unemployment taxes as well.

This may all sound a little overwhelming but it is what it is. Owning your own traditional business is a lot of work and has many disadvantages over running your own online business from home.

Now if you choose to have an online business, you can work from the comfort of your own home. Your storefront is your website this will cost about $10 for a domain name and you can find a web hosting account for less than $5 and can actually be up and running in a few hours time. Now this sure sounds better than buying or paying rent for a building. Now you have a store front open with no inventory to carry.

Your store is now open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, any where in the world. But you do have to drive traffic to your site. There are many ways to do this that do not cost you any money, you can read my article 5 Free Traffic Sources right here on this site. Just start getting customers to your door and you will start making money in your new online business.

One of the biggest benefits of starting your own online business is the fact that if you fail you will not lose much other than your time. But if you take your business seriously and dont treat it like a hobby you should see profits within a few months, dont give up.

Dont forget to look into all the tax advantages that you can receive from having a home business. This alone is worth giving it a try.

My favorite benefit is Time Freedom, I know have time to do what I want when I want!

You must agree here that running an online business has many benefits, I have just given you a few reasons to get started today.

Kamis, 28 Desember 2017

Beauty Personified Yelahanka homes

Beauty Personified  Yelahanka homes

Image source: https://farm2.static.flickr.com/1505/26546746572_5dc2396bfe_b.jpg

Modern and emerging suburb of Bangalore is Yelahanka. Approved as one of the BBMP zones, it was once considered for satellite town in the city. Due to this, it was garnered with many other names such as Yelahanka Upanagara, Yelahanka New Town, and so on. It has exquisite place of worship and one such is Venugopala Swamy temple which still stands as a witness from the past. Further, a fort in the temple is yet untraced. So, in memory of it a nearby street is named after that as Kote Beedi or Fort Street.

With these rich places it has yet another driving factor which is the NH7 which goes through Yelahanka which helps avoid entering the main town of Yelahanka. Apart from this, it is surrounded by scintillating lakes which connects places like Old Yelahanka, Puttenhalli, Attur and Allalasandra etc. Further, a lake at Puttenhalli is named as bird sanctuary. All these factors have helped realty to come up in Yelahanka.

The presence of Kempegowda International airport in close vicinity is one of the prominent landmarks which have enabled builders to come up with plush ventures. All these projects have apartments from 1-3 BHk and more. The apartments in Yelahanka , have full-fledged amenities and extravagant ambiance which every buyer would love. Amenities like 24/7 water and power supply along with power backup are available in most of the apartments in Yelahanka. All these residential spaces are crafted with utmost dedication and class. When it comes to price ranges, it is quite reasonable and within the desired budgets.

The apartments in Yelahanka comprises of 1 BHK with 595 Sq.ft at Rs. 27 Lakhs, 2 BHK with 1170 Sq.ft at Rs. 47 Lakhs, 2.5 BHK with 1255 Sq.ft at Rs. 53 Lakhs and 3 BHK with 1350 Sq.ft at Rs. 55 Lakhs approximately. Moreover, connectivity to other places of the city are quiet frequent through roads and rails. The neighbourhoods encompass top MNCs which have turned the place as a sought after by professionals to invest in here.
Further, prominent shopping malls, branded stores, cineplexs, entertainment centres, are all available to spend your weekends. When it comes to education, renowned schools such as Cambridge Public School, Ryan International School, Chrysalis High school etc, and colleges like Sai Vidya Institute of Technology, SHL College and so on can be availed for shaping up your career. As of banking sector all top banks along with ATMs are available and for your emergency needs good healthcare centres like Sri Maruthi Hospital, Ashwini Hospital, Neha Prakash Hospital can be availed.

With these facilities and pros to envy, investors and home buyers have come in flocks to buy these apartments in Yelahanka. If u plan for reselling your homes bought in Yelahanka in future, it assures double returns than the buying price. Apart from this, attractive offers on EMIs, packages, gifts and price ranges are ensured while buying. Dont keep thinking! Get a home today at Yelahanka for a peaceful and rich lifestyle.

Rabu, 27 Desember 2017

10 Excuses Potential Entrepreneurs Make

10 Excuses Potential Entrepreneurs Make

Image source: http://static1.squarespace.com/static/55e53596e4b014cf448ad0a8/55e62d15e4b091f79b471686/5784930c15d5db7cc1203cf0/1468775739450/Pin-+5+excuses+new+entrepreneurs+make.jpg?format=1000w

Starting and running your own business has never been an easy road. It is a leap of faith, hope and believing in your dream that it will one day blossom. Building a company is similar to what a farmer goes through. He has time to Prepare the land, Plan the appropriate seed, Plant, Pluck out weeds and hope for big harvest. This is something that keeps the farmer going. Year in year out he/she risks all the seed and finance available because they are convinced that a good harvest is coming someday. As I said implementing your dream is usually riddled with many excuses. Many fail to even start rolling out their dreams because they can intellectually articulate how impossible it is not to implement it. They talk themselves out of the dream long enough to believe that is not possible. If ever they get to begin implementing the dream, they are so eager to harvest to the point that discouragement gets the better of them as the dream seems to need a lot of incubation and further effort and taking more risks. It is for that reason that most people would rather work for others for the rest of their lives even though pregnant with possibility, full of ideas and passionate about the dream they carry. I have made every one of the excuses below so I am talking from the point of view of someone who faced the same challenges any dreamer will come across. Your dream needs you. It needs your time, your thought processes and intellectual capacity, your money or capital investment, you passion and drive and your resilience when it seems to suffer from stunted growth, malnutrition and possible extinction. It requires your faith and hope which is unwavering where noone can ever talk you out of what you carry. Partner with your own dream. You conceived it, you saw it possible at one point, the dream grew in you, now therefore, let no one separate you and your aspirations by telling you 101 reasons why it wont happen.

Some common excuses dreamers make.

1. I am too young or too old to dream - I am amazed at young boys who started dreaming in their teenage and
early adulthood and became millionaire, yes millionaires in US$ terms. Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg became billionaire at age 23, Bill gates started his now billion dollar business at age 20. Many examples come to mind. You are never too young or too old to dream. It is never too late. There are successful companies that were birthed by pensioners. Why not? You have a legacy to leave behind. The fact that you consider you not fit to work normal shifts does not disqualify you from birthing ideas, using your mind that now has 60+ years of experiencing different waves and tides in economies. Document that dream so that those that are able bodied will run with it. Your own children can pick up from where you left and create a generational legacy. After all, age aint nothing but a number, the old song went. I was in my twenties when I felt the urge to start my own business. My own father felt I was too young to handle risks. That did not stop the dream from growing inside me. It was not rebellion, it was simply realizing that my dream was past its gestation period. I didnt want a ceasarian operation and neither did I desire an abortion but a normal delivery. The baby, Infotech is now 9 years old, going strong.

2. I dont have the money to get off the ground - Money should never be used as an excuse as to why the dream remains dormant or the absence of the dream totally. Your role is to dream and have vision. Provision attaches it self to Vision just as Cream is always attracted by dreams. If you are bold enough about your dream, if you have the conviction, if you are passionate and sold-out enough then money will come you way. Bankers will not support your half baked dream which seeks to just en-rich you with no sustainability in it. Even a donor is always concerned about dreams which seek to empower the owner and his clan only. The truth is you will surely benefit from your dream but your desperation for the startup capital should not be riddled with the loudness of your personal needs. Start small. A prototype will give birth to more and so on. I know of people who started off with $20. Baked a few doughnuts and sold them. They were disciplined with the little and now have chains of bakeries. I started my company after my insurance company re-imbursed me $250 for my car that had been written off by accident. I was "under insured" the fine print said hence all I got was less than 10% of a car. With that I bought used computers and refurbished and sold them from my apartment. I didnt need thousands. I started somewhere with me being the only employee.

3. I am not that educated and experienced enough - Education is important. I am one person who loves to see
people empowered in their areas of passion for full potential to manifest. However, lack of a degree did not stop Bill Gates from birthing the billions he speaks of today. He actually dropped out of school. I have a cousin here in Zimbabwe who quit his degree, came to me and said "Rabison, I am leaving varsity, I want to go start a tuck-shop". My reaction was not at all amusing to this young man as I told him all the reasons I could to stop him. He didnt stop nevertheless, now he as a chain of ten supermarkets in Bulawayo, all networked and doing well. He is in his late twenties and employs 90 people. Imagine that I was about to stop him from all that because I exalted education and degrees. I am not advocating that people should abort their university education, no. You do not necessarily need a degree to dream. Some actors, sports persons, graphics designers etc are wealthy today and were never academically gifted. Your dream can well be your university because you
will learn more as you roll it out. You can not condemn yourself as you compare with your classmates. We have different privileges, and destiny blue prints. Take on yours and run.

4. Someone else out there has the same dream - You may not be the one who invented light bulbs but surely you
can ride on that dream and produce a light bulb that is so economic that it can be lit using the smallest battery. You may not have a unique fresh, out of the box kind of dream but certainly you have the right to be different. The more flavors there are, the better. Just because there are non alcoholic beverages that people have enjoyed for years does not stop you from creating a new one. It will grant mankind more options, more choices, more value coming out of competition in pricing. If your dream breaks monopolies then it is the right kind of dream. Bring it on. It is your kind of dream manifestation that mankind and generations are waiting for.

5. My country's economy is not viable and conducive for my dream - This is a very common excuse that many
people make. Yes the issues of viability are important to take into consideration but many hide behind this veil. The fact that Zimbabwe was in economic turmoil and is still grappling from the effects of 10 years of decay did not stop dreamers from implementing their dreams. In fact at one point almost everyone had to trade in something, you had to be selling a few things on the side to generate the much needed cash. Was the economy viable? Not at all. Did people die for lack of cash? Not even. Many made thousand upon thousands simply by adapting their dreams to the environment. They diversified into other cash generating businesses to sustain the big dreams. With every obstacle, there is a way of escape. There is something you still can do to keep the dream momentum going. You do not have to flee your country. Make the best out of the seemingly dry economy. You have the right to expand your business to other nations, globalization. Start in your own space, your own country where it takes a shorter time to register and operate than in foreign lands you are made to feel
unwelcome even with the correct paperwork, permits etc

6. It is risky, There is no job security in my own dream - Starting a business is a major risk that you must do with intentionality and with a clear view of what you are engaging with. Risks are the breakfast of champions and dreamers. Yes, you may actually go for some time without the much needed salary but your dream will live to fulfill your desires and those of generations after you. Leaving formal employment almost sounds silly. I had to leave Anglo American PLC, one of the best employers of all time to start a business. Many laughed it off as I was leaving "comfort" to enter into unknown territory. After all, this boy didn't look ready to run a business. The reason I could not be negotiated into staying was because my dream was priceless and was now suffering from my double mindedness. No salary or offer of new vehicle could stop me. My own CEO called me several times to show me my new perks. With due respect I still left much to his disappointment
because I had become a household name in my area of endeavor, IT Support.

7. I fear that someone else will steal the idea from me - fear is a spirit and when you operate out of fear, you will achieve less. Fearless does not mean you shut your mind from realities around. Fearless means you know all those possibilities but they are not as big as your dream. Your dream is too big to drop. Many friends have come to me crying over how they had an idea documented, gave it to a potential "financiers" who immediately realized the viability and renamed the project and started doing the same. I do not doubt that of the 6 billion people in the world, there could be a chunk that lacks integrity to the point of stealing ideas. You will always have many who desire to reap where they did not sow. Because it is your dream, no thief can roll it out like you so continue on the path and your new competitor (the thief) will wonder how you are doing it. You can not put your dream on ice or in park mode because of elements of fear. You are bigger than that. Walk tall and claim what is yours. Copy cats can stay in their world but they will only get enough for
bread not create lasting wealth.

8. People seem to think it is not practical including my own family - Sometimes the dream only makes sense to
the one who carries the dream. I always wondered when I see pregnant women having all sorts of cravings saying "this child has changed my diet needs, I eat weird things now". Because I have no idea what it feels, I can only observe as I do not have the capacity to carry a child, certain things remain a mystery to me. They dont seem practical except to the one who has first had opportunity to carry the baby or dream. Your own family being the source of all support and encouragement can also be a source of major upsets when they "feel" your dream is not the "right" kind of dream for the sake of the "family's name". Excuse me, my dream can actually change what my family is known for. My dad always believed in the teaching profession as the most secure, sound and stable hence I also had to enrol in a teacher training institute like all the other sons and daughters he had encouraged ahead of me. To his disappointment I never taught from the day I finished college
on 6 November 1995. I joined private sector which unsettled him. It didnt sound practical. 6 years later I came to him with a brilliant idea to leave employment and be jobless, but start my company. "What!!!!", I can even remember his exclamation "You are going mad my son, think again" he would say. I did not stop at all. He had to get used to a son who did not enjoy limitations and boundaries. To date my business endeavors remain the only businesses there are in the history of my clan.

9. Noone is willing to help me off the ground, I am all alone - It can be a lonely walk but the fruits bring in all kinds of "helpers" and "friends" to assist in carefully harvesting. One is tempted to ask where the people were when you agonized over where to get salary for your 3 employees. They had "free comedy" back then over how "this guy seems to think he can do all things and now see who is mourning the most". It is sad sometimes as you go for months without giving yourself a salary. People sympathize with you and take all you are doing for granted. If ever you help a butterfly when it is trying to fly then you kill its learning processes, whenever you try hatch eggs ahead of the time, those chickens will be sickly and without determination to live another day. sometimes you do not need to rest on the help of others. You have a clearer
understanding and projections of where you are going with your idea hence do not feel lonely when you have to walk alone. You have your dream to affirm, grow and pamper. Speak to your dream, dress your dream, dine with it and roll a carpet for it as you roll the dream out. You are never alone.

10 What if it fails? Will I not become the laughing stock - I will ask you the opposite, What if it succeeds? Will you
still complain. Not every dream will give you instant gratification and satisfaction. If Thomas Edison feared that people would keep laughing at him we would not be enjoying the light bulb in every home today. He had to fail hundreds and thousands of times and learn from each failure. So what if it fails once? Keep trying? The fact that it failed once or twice does not qualify you to start handling and carrying yourself like a failure. Each failure should be a learning point of how not to do it the next time. Personally I restarted my IT business three times. I never closed doors totally but I got to points where it seemed meaningless to continue but the dream was so compelling for me to keep it alive. It would cry like a baby in my heart I couldn't afford to abort it.

The most important thing is to love what you do. Never do it to please someone else-it has to be yours. That is all that will justify the hard work needed to achieve success. Compete against yourself, not others for that is what your best competition is truly-Peggy Fleming- Olympic Gold Medalist-

8 Best Ways To Naturalize Your Home

8 Best Ways To Naturalize Your Home

Image source: http://media.musely.com/u/0be7a94b-8e21-42b9-9849-f8a942374782.jpg

Who doesnt want their home to be more environmentally sustainable? Greener homes are healthier to live in, help you to live like a responsible global citizen, and are a smart way to take care of the worlds limited natural resources.
Though an entire eco-friendly home renovation is probably out of your budget, there are lots of small ways you can change your space to make your home more sustainable and healthy to live in. The effects go deeper than the aesthetics, as environmentally conscious changes in your home will help you save money in the long run while keeping you safe from toxic chemical exposure.
If youre looking for the inspiration you need to transform your home into an earth friendly space, read on!

The Dangers Of Common Household Chemicals
Theres no doubt that the average home today is far from healthy. According to the Environmental Working Group(EWG), over 80,000 chemicals are used in everyday objects around the house, and over a thousand have been proven to be endocrine disruptors, meaning they can alter your hormone levels. Even worse, few of these chemicals have been adequately tested for how safe they are when they interact together, meaning that there is no real way to know what their damage will be on your body in the long run.

Even the dust in your home can make you sick. Traces of ten harmful chemicals that are known to cause cancer can be found in 90 percent of dust sampled from homes, meaning that most of us breath in these chemicals on a daily basis.
Where are these toxic chemicals found? Some of the top damaging materials in the average home are listed below.
Mattresses: Most mattresses contain PBDEs, antimony, and formaldehyde which can build up in the body over time and increase your risk of cancer. Because a third of life is spent in bed, these toxins can really add up.
Mothballs: Paradichlorobenzene, the active ingredient in some mothballs, has been shown to cause cancer in animals. Other types contain naphthalene, which can lead to nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
Pressed wood products: Faux wood is made from combining pieces of wood together using a glue that often contains formaldehyde, which can lead to watery eyes, burning throat and asthma attacks.
Carpet chemicals: The volatile organic compounds(VOCs) in new carpet can damage your health by triggering breathing problems and asthma.
Lead paint: Though its been outlawed for decades, lead paint still exists in older houses and can cause huge problems with nervous systems, brain development, and the kidneys, especially in the young children that accidentally eat it.
Cleaning products: Air fresheners and other cleaning products can release toxic levels of polluting chemicals that are especially dangerous in non ventilated areas. Some cleaning products contain ammonia, which can irritate, burn and cause long term damage to skin and eyes. Worse of all is when these chemicals interact with the ozone and create a truly poisonous combination.
Flame retardants: Often used in furniture, computer casing and clothes, flame retardants contain PBDEs that can lead to learning problems, decreased sperm counts and even lower thyroid functioning in humans.
Cosmetic chemicals: Many shampoo and lotion products contain phthalates that bind the color and fragrance to the product, which can act as hormone mimickers and cause reproductive problems in mammals.

Looking At Natural Home Substitutes
Clearly, any kind of exposure to these kinds of chemicals is bad news. It might not be realistic to get rid of every toxic substance in your home, but by following these tips you can make a bold change for your body and the health of the planet.

Trade Out Your Light Bulbs For CFLs
You can make a big difference in your home for both environmental sustainability and your wallet if you take the time to switch out regular light bulbs for energy efficient ones. Replacing just a few of your incandescent light bulbs for compact fluorescent ones (CFLs) can save you over 75% on your lighting bill. Best of all, these bulbs tend to last ten times longer than regular ones, meaning youll be sending fewer bulbs to the landfill.
Note: Keep in mind that CFLs contain a small amount of mercury that can be dangerous if you come in contact with it. Take care not to break any bulbs and carefully dispose of them once they burn out.

Invest In Better Insulation
About 40 percent of home heat is wasted because of poor insulation- an enormous and expensive waste of polluting fossil fuels. Not only is conventional insulation often leaky, it can also be filled with damaging chemicals like asbestos. To keep your lungs safe and to stop wasting fossil fuels, invest in extra layers of environment-friendly insulation. You can insulate your home with GreenFiber (a product made from shredded newspaper) by layering it in attic spaces to prevent excess heat from escaping out the top.
Caulking and weather stripping around windows and doors can also prevent heat from escaping and lower your homes carbon footprint.

Use Your Water Efficiently
Few people have any idea how much water they use every day- and the average consumption of 100 gallons per person/day for Americans is sure to be surprising. You can cut down your water usage by installing low-flow shower heads and faucet aerators in your bathroom to help you save water without needing to compromise on water flow.
To be even more efficient with your water usage, you can install a rain barrel underneath the gutters of your roof. This water can be used to water your garden as a sustainable alternative to groundwater sprinkling systems.

Make Your Own Cleaning Supplies
The danger is in the unknown when it comes to commercial cleaning products, but you can control your exposure to these toxic chemicals by making your own products. Simply dilute vinegar in water to form a natural antimicrobial spray, or make your own dish soap and laundry detergent to keep artificial fragrances out of your clothes. Recipes abound online for ways you can easily keep your space clean while not supporting the questionable products of conventional cleaning companies.

Compost Your Food Scraps
Food production in the United States is a massively inefficient process, as over 40 percent of all food spoils before it can be eaten. Worst of all, much of this food rots right in the refrigerators of the people who buy it.
You can help divert this stream of waste going into landfills by turning your uneaten food scraps into high quality soil amendments. It couldnt be easier to set up a worm bin in your pantry or to invest in a stainless steel compost bucket, or a bokashi bucket a Japanese system that ferments food and can even handle meat and dairy. Once your system of choice has made quick work of your food scraps, you can add the new compost to your garden for use as a rich soil amendment.
Yard waste can also be utilized for composting. Simply fit all your food scraps and garden debris into an outdoor composter and give it a turn every few weeks until the material has broken down completely.

Grow Plants Indoors
Not only is being closer to greenery good for the soul, it also helps to keep your indoor environment healthier. Plants work as natural air filters, meaning that they can absorb the harmful pollutants coming off your carpets and furniture and make your home a safer place to breathe deep. Indoor plants also help to maintain the humidity levels of your house, meaning youll be able to stay comfortable in the dry heat of winter.

Choose Low VOC Paint
When the time comes to do some major interior redecorating, be sure to invest in nontoxic brands of paint. Though traditional paints are filled with volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can affect your respiratory health, paints that are labeled low VOC or No VOC reduce these risks and help keep your lungs safe.

Invest In Sustainable Flooring
Many forms of flooring are toxic for the environment. Wood flooring contributes to the decimation of forests around the world, while carpets and vinyl can expose you to a cocktail of chemicals. If you are looking for some sustainable alternatives for your home, its smart to invest in renewable forms of flooring like bamboo, stone or reclaimed wood. Not only will your decor be unique, you also wont have to worry about the environmental footprint your home leaves behind.

Finding ways to make your house more natural and environmentally friendly can be overwhelming, but the results are always worth it. Keeping your family safe from toxic synthetic chemicals will make a big difference for your health and the health of the environment. There are an endless number of ways to start making your home more sustainable today, so have fun exploring the options and working to completely transform your space for the better!

5 Surefire Ways to Make Money Online

5 Surefire Ways to Make Money Online

Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/2c/43/22/2c4322dc875672628ba0e67ee49ea056.jpg

Today, more people then ever before are learning that the Internet is full of earning potential. From Internet Marketing and joining affiliate programs to running and operating your own business,everyone can make money online. At first, many people are surprised to hear of so many success stories, but as the Internet continues to grow people are hearing success stories from their friends, neighbors, and co-workers of how they learned to make money online. There is no secret club that allof these people have joined to become successful with the Internet. All it takes to make money online is a little time researching which method or business approach you find best suits your personality, and then do it.

There are five main approaches that anyone can choose that will enable you to successfully makemoney online. These include creating and selling your own products, promoting affiliate programs, joining and promoting MLM (Multi Level Marketing Programs), building a business as a freelancer,and running an ad supported site. By choosing one of these methods, doing your research, and then doing it, you too can be one of the success stories who can proudly say that they make money online.

1: Create And Sell Your Own Product

First, creating and selling your own product is an excellent way to make money online. A product maybe a tangible item, maybe something related to your favorite hobby, or it may be a virtual product, such as an Ebook, or computer software program. Whatever product you create, the Internet is one ofthe best ways to sell in todays technological world. With a website, digital camera, and promotional methods you will be surprised at how quickly you will turn sales. Even if you dont have a website, many people successfully make money online by selling their products through auction sites such as eBay.

2: Promote Affiliate Programs

If you do have a website, you can easily make money online by promoting affiliate programs. There are countless affiliate programs online and some websites specialize in allowing you to apply to the program of your choice. You can place banner ads, customized graphics, or text links to redirect your customers to the affiliates website. For every sale that the company makes due to traffic from yoursite, you will earn a percentage of the sale. Affiliate programs have enabled numerous people to make money online.

3: Join And Promote An MLM Program

MLM (multi level marketing) programs are a great way to make money and the Internet is no exception. Whether it is selling cosmetics or vitamins to health insurance, MLM programs allow representatives to earn a percentage of the sales that their recruits earn. MLM can be very profitable and the Internet is a great way to sell products for MLM businesses, as well as recruit new company representatives.

4: Freelance

Freelancing is becoming very popular on the Internet and there are many bidding sites where freelancers can showcase their talents then bid on various jobs. Whether it is freelance writing, graphic design, art, or computer programming, freelancers are learning that they can make money online by bringing their talents to the Internet. In fact, freelancing is such a lucrative field that when freelancers compete for projects, they are typically competing with people worldwide.

5: Run An Ad-supported Site

Webmasters have quickly learned that they can run ads on their sites and earn a hefty profit in exchange. Whether it is Google ads or selling space on your website to companies who would like to advertise, your websites ad space can be a very profitable way to make money online.

Selasa, 26 Desember 2017

5 Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Masonry Contractor

5 Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Masonry Contractor

Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/cf/35/ac/cf35ac953ef3b5bdf3401ced3a746706.jpg

Masonry is one of the oldest professions of the world. In the olden days, masons were responsible for creating beautiful, versatile and sturdy structures. Today, masonry contractors can build a wide variety of structures such as brick walls, chimney, fireplace, patio, etc.

Choose an Expert for a Successful Home Building Project

Are you looking for someone who can help you beautify your home? Today, masonry contractors work with a wide range of materials such as bricks, rocks, clay, concrete blocks, terra cotta and tiles. But, remember that every masonry contractor does not have the adequate skill and experience for handling your home building project. If you do not choose a skilled and experienced contractor, he/she can ruin your project and cause unnecessary financial burden.

Talk to the Masonry Contractor

Asking the right questions take as much skill as giving the right answers. - Robert Half

Do not hesitate in asking questions to the masonry contractor. It is essential to take some time in doing thorough research. If you ask the right questions, you will be able to obtain relevant information from the masonry contractor. It will help you in deciding whether he/she is the best professional for your home building project.

Here are a few questions that you must ask to a masonry contractor before hiring him/her:

1. Are you a Licensed Masonry Contractor?

Masonry is a skilled profession. Machines are yet to replace the skill of a mason. So, it is important to know whether the masonry contractor has adequate skill and certification to accept the responsibility of a home building project. Do not forget to check his/her proof of insurance.

2. Are you experienced with working on a Specific Home Building Project?

If you want to use a specific material or have some special ideas, inform the masonry contractor about your requirements. If he/she has not undertaken similar home building projects in the past, you must think twice before hiring him/her.

Inform the masonry contractor about your expectations. Also, do not forget to discuss the estimated time for completion of the project.

3. How should I prepare for the Home Building Project?

To ensure a successful home building project, you will have to help the masonry contractor. Ask him/her about your responsibilities. Usually, a contractor expects you to remove furniture and other belongings from the project area.

If you want to buy the materials yourself, you must inform him/her so that it does not create any doubt in future.

4. Do you have references from Clients?

When it comes to hiring any contractor, you must talk to previous clients. It will help you in knowing whether the masonry contractor finishes his job on time. Ask the previous clients about their experience and level of satisfaction with the work.

You can even ask the masonry contractor to provide you with addresses of his/her current sites. You can visit a couple of sites and examine the work.

5. What is the Payment Schedule?

Money matters should be discussed before signing the contract. Ask the masonry contractor for his/her payment schedule. If you need to pay half the amount upfront, make preparations for it. Also, do not forget to set a schedule for paying the remaining amount.


Once you have asked your queries to the masonry contractor, you will get a clear picture of his/her work. If you are comfortable with his/her experience and skill, sign the contract and get ready for a successful home building project.

Pour Concrete is Torontos favorite licensed bricklaying contractor. It is the perfect destination effective tuck pointing as well as long-lasting and affordable concrete installation services. Call on 647 847 4009 or get in touch online for a free estimate.

3 Sure-fire Ways to Improve Your Home Today

3 Sure-fire Ways to Improve Your Home Today

Image source: https://media.licdn.com/mpr/mpr/jc/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAHWAAAAJDdhZWIxNzE3LWJmYmEtNDNhMC04ZWI3LTY0MmQ2NjI5YmMzNg.jpg

Every home needs to be improved regularly if its owner wants to keep it in excellent shape at all times. There are a lot of things to do, depending on the final result you want to achieve. Sometimes, fencing the garden or building a patio can increase the value of the home. Anything from replacing the bathroom tiles to repainting the living room will refresh the layout of your home and make it look cosier. I personally have developed two major home improvement projects that were definitely worth it. I did call professional renovation specialists to help me out with that, as I definitely couldnt handle every aspect on my own. However, here are my top 3 recommendations when it comes to improvement of living space.

Solar Panels

Installing a solar power system might be one of the smartest things you will ever do for your home. Utilising it can reduce your households carbon footprint by an average of 35,000 pounds of carbon dioxide per year. Most importantly, they can save you about 112 $ per month on your electricity bill. However, there are some things that you will need to keep in mind before deciding to have your home equipped with such panels. Think about the project length (there could be a couple of days between the time you sign the contract and the actual installation), permit (your municipality has probably set a specific cost regarding this type of projects), additional considerations (your roof needs to receive direct sunlight during the hours, when sun shines the strongest). To illustrate the rising popularity of photovoltaic systems, the number of active installations just in Australia is already more than one and a half million, according to the official data for January 2016. And there is a steady trend for increasing the count of households that benefit from the free solar energy not only Down Under but worldwide.

Deep Cleaning & Decluttering

It is funny how people rediscover their homes after a full house cleaning. Ha-ha. And I am not only talking about removing the dust, vacuuming and mopping. I am talking about a serious clean: disinfecting all areas with special detergents, cleaning the mattresses, steam-cleaning upholstered furniture and so on. Trust me, after a recent visit from people who have the knowledge to deep-clean houses in Melbourne, I totally respect anyone who dedicated their time to learn that. I am pretty sure you too can get rid of many useless things that are only taking up living space. Bonus tip: Just remove anything that is not in use and you will soon feel much better.

Kitchen King of the Home

Did you know that a modern or renovated kitchen can bump the sale price of the house between 3 to 7 percent? In fact, there are two keywords I would like to bold, which would be essential for a kitchen makeover: stainless steel and quartz countertops. Both are synonyms for high-quality design nowadays. Quartz is already more popular than marble and granite as interior material for upper-class kitchens. And even if it has been known for decades, stainless steel is currently a sign of modern design that tells potential buyers they're looking at an up-to-date cooking corner. If you want to make the kitchen even more sophisticated, you can tile the hard to clean areas around the cook top for easier maintenance. Also, speaking from personal experience, I find it as the perfect decoration to hang some kitchenware on the walls, including cooking pans. The kitchen will look authentic, and at the same time, you can have most of your cooking ware handy.

3 Reasons People Start A Home Based Business

3 Reasons People Start A Home Based Business

Image source: https://image.slidesharecdn.com/20resonswhystartingahomebased-140118232853-phpapp01/95/20-reasons-why-starting-a-home-based-business-3-638.jpg?cb=1390088023

Ever wonder why so many people opt to start their own business from home? The freedom of it all is the number one reason anyone would go through the pain, misery and uncertainty that is a home business. Most people don't particularly hate their job. They just hate certain aspects of the job experience.

My biggest complaint was the commute. Being stuck in traffic going to and from work was the most gut wrenching, attitude crushing, health endangering aspect of the entire work day. I could handle the fickle bosses who couldn't make up their mind from day to day how they wanted the work completed, the ever changing and looming deadlines and the emotional roller coaster of dealing with all kinds of personalities. No, at the end of the day the one thing that was the killer was the commute. Oh I tried to make it better by subscribing to satellite radio so I would have a smorgasbord of content to entertain myself but in the end an hour on the road in bumper to bumper traffic is the same no matter how much lipstick you slather on that sow.

Bosses can be a major bother in most work environments because we have no idea why they are so demanding, unpredictable or just down right mean. Unfortunately they also have bosses and pressures we never consider which could be driving there irritating behavior. In most cases your boss if probably doing a very good job of juggling corporate concerns, customer demands and employee satisfaction. If your unhappy you can bet it is rubbing off on others and vice versa. You see a bad attitude is like a virus, it spreads everywhere and affects almost everyone. I have found it best to focus on the fewest people I have to have direct contact and only work to appease those conflicts rather than worry about the entire organization. This alone drives many people to the internet looking for any, and I mean any way to make a living from the comfort of home.

Coworkers can also be a factor that drives one to seek other employment opportunities. I am not talking about he crazy engineer in the basement who talks to himself and is a proud member of the aluminum foil hat brigade (for the uninitiated, it is believed that aluminum foil will prevent the government and other purveyors of evil from reading your thoughts. I find heavy duty grilling aluminum foil works the best ;) ). Just your average joe who lingers about throughout the day telling everyone every tasteless, inappropriate, mildly amusing joke he has heard from all the other average joes in the workplace. You also have the irritating, incessantly smiling, stab you in the back at the first opportunity types you always have to avoid. Unfortunately I have had these types sitting next to me for far longer than I care to admit. But the ones that are the most dangerous are the ones you consider a friend. You get lulled into a sense of security and say whatever pops into your stressed out mind. This so called friend runs to your boss to score some points and the next thing you know you are called into a conference room for a very uncomfortable conversation with your boss.

Running your own business can help you avoid these confrontations because honestly, most of the time you are the only coworker you have to worry about. If you are having these problems working by yourself then you have bigger problems to resolve than your business.

So, all in all there are many reasons why someone would go into business for themselves but the ultimate reason is a desire to control ones own destiny. But this path is not one for the faint of heart. You must consider many factors before venturing into these uncharted waters. You probably enjoy a very nice health benefits package in your employment so you will want to figure in the cost of health care into your business plan not to mention 401(k) matching, stock options, etc. Overall, it is a most enjoyable experience but you will want to consider all aspects before jumping in.

Five Important Visual Checks When Purchasing Second Hand Car

Image source: https://image.winudf.com/v2/image/dWsuY28uYXV0b3RyYWRlci5hbmRyb2lkY29uc3VtZXJzZWFyY2hfc2NyZWVuXzdfOXgwcTU2cGM/screen-7.jpg?h=8...